- Strengthen strategic influence and credibility in your organization and beyond.
- Individualized coaching to polish executive presence and expand leadership aptitude.
- Guidance for building a high performance team.
- Prepare for the first 90 – 120 days in a new academic institution.
- Understand leadership strengths and possible derailers through individual and 360 assessments.
- Craft a leadership aptitude growth plan based on leadership assessment results and professional goals.
Multi-session peer defined groups delivered via Zoom. Session themes are aligned with topics important to specific groups. Topics may include career exploration, professional development, leadership topics, idea generation, and action planning. The structured session format activates rewarding individual outcomes.
Active group: Phase 3 Planning. 20+ year leadership level professionals considering paths that follow a successful career.
Active group: Women Leaders in Science. Early to mid-career scientists in academia, corporate, and government industries.
New groups starting soon.
- Practical, outcome-focused guidance and execution strategies to launch a confidential executive job search campaign. Dianna has supported Next Generation Partners in over 75 technology leader executive searches.
- Preparation and feedback for individual and panel interview sessions.
- Executive job search tactics leveraging social media tools.
- Professional portfolio (resume, curriculum vitae, LinkedIn profile) review and restructuring support.
- Develop a Career Strategic Plan with goals, milestones, and action steps.
- Custom leadership advisory services for cabinet level executives, administrative, academic, and research leaders.
- Retreat and workshop facilitation and design. Sample topics include: expanding executive presence, developing cohesive teams, consensus building and collaborative decision making, leading with emotional intelligence, and conflict management.
- Specialized course design and delivery for leadership institutes. Created and facilitated webinars on topics including effective executive level communication, conflict resolution strategy, and compelling executive job search strategies. Designed and led leadership courses on leading strategic planning initiatives, leadership communication strategy and execution, and designing organization assessment initiatives.
Clients represent a diverse cross-section of universities and institutions including: UCLA, Penn State University, Michigan State University, University of Georgia, Teachers College Columbia University, Emory University, Oregon State University, Auburn University, Vanderbilt University, University of Nebraska, Bryn Mawr College, Pepperdine University, University of California at Santa Barbara, University of California at Santa Cruz, University of California at Merced, California State University at Channel Islands, San Diego State University, California State University Sacramento, University of Kansas, Tarelton State University, Swarthmore College, Seton Hall, Villanova University, Pace University, Drexel University, Purdue University, University of Cincinnati Augsburg University, Berklee School of Music, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, Carnegie Institute, HERS Institute, and the National Science Foundation.